One day the Sultan heard 2 people talking outside his window.
One man said, "I don't like the Sultan's selfies. They're stupid."
The other man said, "Shhhhh! Don't talk so loud. If the Sultan finds out you don't like his selfies he'll take away your phone and internet!"
The Sultan ran across the room to the window to see who was talking. He was so angry he forgot to take his phone with him. (He didn't go anywhere without his phone.) So he ran back across the room, grabbed his phone [got it quickly] and ran to the window. By the time he got to the window, the men were gone.
For days the Sultan could not eat or sleep he was so upset. Soon everyone in the country was texting each other:
Someone said the Sultan's selfies are stupid!
Are you sure it's true?
Of course it's true. Someone texted it.
A week later, a stranger came to the Sultan's palace. He said, "I can program your phone to show you who likes your selfies and who doesn't like them."
"You can?" said the Sultan. "How does it work?"
The stranger answered, "People who like your selfies can click a button that looks like this: 👍. People who don't like your selfies will click a button that looks like this: 👎."
The Sultan answered, "Do it this minute!"
The stranger downloaded the program and the Sultan gave the stranger a new phone and free internet access for life.
Soon everyone was texting each other: "Don't click the 👎 button or you'll lose your internet access for life!"
So all the Sultan got were likes 👍.
But the Sultan was not happy! 😩 The more likes he got, the more he wanted.
"I want MORE likes!!!" he told his servants.
His servants were getting very tired of liking the Sultan's selfies. So they came up with a very clever idea . . .
The next day a tailor suddenly came to the Sultan's palace. He said, "I can get you A LOT MORE likes Selfie Sultan."
"You can?" answered the Sultan smiling from ear to ear. "I will pay you any amount of money you want if you can really get me more likes."
"I make magic clothes. Every time someone hits like, the clothes change—so they can like you again and again. Instead of liking you one time each day they can like you every minute!"
"Every minute?!" said the Sultan. "Make the magic clothes at once!"
A week later, the tailor came back. "Here, Selfie Sultan, are your wonderful, new, magic clothes! They are BEAUTIFUL, yes?"
The Sultan was shocked because he couldn't see them.
His servants tried very hard not to laugh and said, "Oh, Selfie Sultan! They are the most beautiful clothes in the whole world! Try them on! Try them on!"
The Sultan didn't know what to do because he couldn't see the clothes but he didn't want his servants to think he was crazy so he answered, "Yes, they are beautiful! BEAUTIFUL!"
The Sultan took off his clothes and acted like he put on the new clothes. Then he took a selfie and sent it out to everyone in his kingdom.
As soon as the people in the kingdom saw it, they started to laugh. They texted each other: "Our Selfie Sultan has no clothes! He has no clothes!" They thought it was the funniest thing they ever saw. That day, the Sultan got more likes than ever before. But he never took another selfie again.
Now answer these questions:
1) Who sent the tricky tailor to the Sultan?
2) Did the tailor make "magic clothes"?
3) What words would you use to describe people's selfies?
4) Are all text messages true? How can you tell if they are true or not true?
5) What is your favorite selfie? Why?