What is a pencil?


Please read this slowly and really think about each part.

Pencil (noun): a thin wooden tool with a graphite center and an eraser at one end. It is held in the hand to make marks.

    There is nothing inaccurate about this definition, but is it enough? 

    How is it different from the descriptions below?

    A pencil is a miracle. [Stop a moment!  Do you think those words are true or an exaggeration?]
It is small enough to be held in a child's hand and big enough to have changed the world. It moves across a simple piece of paper and can make words that change people's day . . . or their lives.

    It saves a friendship when someone writes, "I'm sorry."  It gives hope when someone writes, "You are not alone." It makes a face ☺ and a child suddenly stops crying. It lets you vote for a president. [You think this is going too far? What if you showed up at a voting station and there were no marking pens?]  

It draws pictures that speak in every language (and it writes in every language the world speaks). 

     It makes things more beautiful than they sometimes are.

It draws things people did not believe. 

More than 500 years ago Leonardo DaVinci drew the first helicopter.

It writes numbers bigger than you can say.


It writes words you can't pronounce.
[yat.  A small sailing boat.]


It makes mistakes and erases them.  (How kind.)

It has been the difference between being educated . . . or not.


It makes grateful lists to keep in your pocket.

I'm grateful for:
✔ my friends
✔ stars at night
✔ flowers
✔ kind people
✔ love
✔ laughter
✔ life

With the lightest touch, pencils can do much.

If you had a choice between Harry Potter's magic wand and a pencil, which one would you choose?