When does a hill become a mountain?

What is a hill? What is a mountain? Do you know? When does a hill become a mountain? Can a mountain become a hill?

At one time, dictionaries defined a mountain by height. But they gave up on that idea a long time ago! If you go to different dictionaries now and look up the word "mountain" they will all give you a different answer! • One definition calls a mountain, "A landmass that rises up noticeably above its surroundings and is higher than a hill." • Another definition calls a mountain, "A large heap." • And one even says, "There is no official difference between hills and mountains!"

Why is it so hard to explain the difference between a hill and a mountain? Think about that before you read more.

Could something be a hill to you but a mountain to someone else? Think about this:
1) We can describe a mountain physically: what it is made of and how high it is.
2) But what if you describe a mountain by how you feel when you see it or climb it? How would you describe it? Think of at least 10 words, feelings, phrases: • • • • • What do you need to climb a hill? What do you need to climb a mountain?


1) Is this a mountain or a hill? (Answer at bottom of page.)

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2) Is the shape on the right a mountain or a hill? (And what is the one on the left?! 😢 . . . . . . A hat?)

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Think of three words to describe this photo.

Now write one sentence about the picture.

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Think of three words to describe this photo.

Now write one sentence about the picture.

Now please watch this:  Mountain

     What can we learn from all this?  A mountain may be a huge, high, hard, steep  /\  rock, but can you separate the mountain from how you feel when you see it?  Would a mountain be noticed if you didn't have those feelings?  
     Now think about life. Think of a favorite friend. Describe that friend physically.  Now describe the qualities of that friend. Which one is more accurate?  Which one means more to you?  
     Or think about your school. First describe it physically. Then describe what goes on there. 

1) hill
2) hill

що їх ніхто не чує
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